Who Is In Charge?

Time is passing, and it will be judgemental to say if we are progressing or deteriorating. There are two sides to each coin and the concept of passing time too has that. What concerns me as an individual is, the quality of life and the definition of changing life values. Deep down I am a true Indian and India has been an idol for culture and life values, which somewhere on the scale is falling with time. We are paying the cost of development which is too high to realise at this time, which will be devasting when surfaced.
As Indian we take pride in our diversified culture, literature, rituals and Vedas. What are we doing to nurture and maintain it? This whole thought came to me when I was listening to some of the current top-listed Bollywood songs and to my disappointment each song had words which speak about "intoxication", "physical attraction", "addiction", "vulgar video", "cheating", "many love relationships" and some are challenging the very root of Indian lifestyle. You may visit any popular song apps or sites to check the songs and their lyrics.
Propagation of the above ways of living through entertainment becomes the guideline for the younger generation. This transition has been happening for years in our country and many have fallen prey to it, unfortunately. From the costume of saree, to tight dress, to western wear, to short dresses and now two-piece as a common aspect of movies and songs. I am not a feminist so will also highlight men dressing in dhotis, to salwar kurtas, to safaris, to jeans, to shorts, to towels and not to miss the topless fad followed by 6-pack abs.

When the younger generation sees this as a trend and cool, what trends will they follow? What are the more popular and visible ways of creating impression & acceptance or the cultural ways that parents or well-wishers are trying to inculcate? The other heart-wrenching truth is also that with so much focus on material life needs, parents tend to pay attention to earning more monetary wealth ignoring the cultural wealth and value of time with kids.

As mentioned by me before this overall degradation has not come in a short time this has come over a period, with each growing generation forgetting the very root and basic culture that their families and elders have been following to find convenience in living. And this thought of convenience is leading to poor quality of life. In terms of health, culture and well-being.

Singing songs with inappropriate language makes them feel cool and then they do not have any inhibition to use inappropriate language, as limits are broken in the name of entertainment. Looking at clothing style and fashion influences them to wear what is worn by celebrities in the movies and videos and they consider it to be alright to dress that way. Be it torn outfits, patched outfits or bear minimum to just hide the body parts as the apes use to do when they were living in the jungle.

Who is responsible to let the degrading trend continue or encouraged?
Who is going to take action to either stop this trend?
Who is the one at a loss in this process?
Whose culture is getting diluted and distorted?

Are you in favour of these new haphazard and jungle ways of living style, and if you are, have you realised that in a jungle when you grow old your survival chances are weak? Either we can live in a jungle with no rules or we can live in civilised places with culture. One has to internalise and realise that we are responsible for things around us, and we have to take charge of ways of living by making sure the next generation lives a balanced life of modernity with culture instead of convenience with no rules. It has taken centuries for humans to build a world with a better living experience, let us take charge to enrich the experience with culture. That will be the true understanding of ATMANIRBHAR in every aspect of life. Be it cleanliness, environment, sense of dressing, sense of language, sense of respect, cultural values, saving resources and many more which we can drive from within.

Focus on living the life instead of creating a life. Creation of life is not in human calibre let that be with the almighty. Utilise the power we have of living life in a better way to experience it to the fullest instead of degrading and disregarding old ways. Every ritual and way defined by old generations was based on Vedas, which are based on science beyond our imagination. With each new invention, we get to know it was already explained in Vedas. Be it lighting a lamp near your water pot or doing suryanamaskar. Using your legs to travel for better cardio or sitting under the tree to get sun rays with photosynthesis. All ways of living are defined considering a balanced healthy life. Realise the treasure in our culture and literature instead of looking for jungle ways of living outside our culture.


Chinmay Desai said…
Its the upbringings of a child from a parent point of view which will make new generation well aware and educated about what to choose and what not to. when the whole world is directly indirectly being ruled by the word "influence" it is quite hard to resist for anyone. but at same time people are being more attention seeker and more self-centric rather than thinking about what to give back to the world consuming almost everything nature has offered.

very well explained Asmani mam. great work

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