How Are You Helping Yourself?

We as humans have evolved from orangutans, chimpanzees, bonobos, and gorillas. What these species have shared is their ancestors, who were same seven million years before. When we have not evolved from the same species, how can we expect people to behave or think in the same way? Yet we often wish that other people should behave the way we want to or understand us without being expressive or reasonable. When you expect anything from the person, you are willing to conduct what you like, irrespective of whether the other likes it. Which means you want them to live those moments as per you and not as per them. This is the most significant disconnect we have in relationships. 

The disconnect of expectations vs deliverables is not something that has come in existence in recent past. This connect was existing from the beginning, but it has started to be seen on the surface in recent times. The reason is non-acceptance and lack of patience. This era of fast food has made us expect everything fast. I can correlate things with each other but will like to speak to you more about the software that we are programming in the machine called your body. We are focusing so much on the look and feel of the world around us that we are missing the core of our living. We, as humans, have the biggest boon of the universe. The power of imagination, with the help of our imagination, we have done inventions and discoveries. All this was to learn more about the universe and make our living a comfortable one. Although, in finding comfort, we have started to compromise the core of living. The purpose of our living. 

In need to maintain the materialistic life around us, we have started living more of worldly life. Which, has made us overlook the significance of our core energy, which is life energy itself. We need to focus on our inner energies to live the true essence of life. When we start focusing on our internal energies, we begin to realise how much power we have given to external factors. How we get driven by influences which are not always required for our living. But why are we so externally driven? The answer is in the expectations. We are continually expecting from others and not focusing on what we are supposed to do to live our lives better. 

I am no philosopher or an enlightened guru, but my simple living experiences have made me list a few tips to help you make your living experience a better one.

1) Expect, don’t demand.
2) Giving without expectation is key to get what you want.
3) Things are for you, You are not for things.
4) When you get anything, pause and live it before planning next.
5) At the end of the day, nothing is more important than your relationships.

As the cliché goes ‘god help those who help themselves’. How are you helping yourself today?


Shali Amit said…
Well put. There's a lot of wisdom and life lesson there. Let's break the rat race
Unknown said…
True. We need to live more than we expect

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