Uncertainty is also not Constant....

We all are undergoing a dilemma of uncertainty. The cloud of questions keeps hovering over your thoughts. Be it of on-going scenario or future. Things are surely going to change, and things are not going to be in the same pattern as they have been for the last few decades. We have evolved, developed and become more sophisticated with time and education. But we are humans at heart and mind. We still can imagine which is not available with any other living species on earth.

Do you have these questions;

- How will be that day when the lockdown opens, and we will get back to the physical world again?
- Will it be a day just like it was on 20 March 2020 or it will be different and if different, how different?
- How am I going to live that day, and how will I be reacting and acting that day?
- Will I have public transport services and if I will then will I be able to accommodate which we were doing all these years comfortably?
- Will, I still offer a helping hand to a stranger by the roadside or I will fear to come in contact with him.
- Will courtesy of giving a hand to climb, bringing coffee cup for someone and offering your tiffin box will be honoured or hesitated?
- Will our house-helps eat the food we will be sharing with them?
- Should the paper transfers and sharing stationary not give us doubt in our minds?
- Will we be living in a world full of doubt and fear only to lose people around us?
- How are we going to mitigate this concern of constant fear of getting infected by the virus?

There are so many ways we keep in touch with humans around us, knowingly or unknowingly. Becoming empathetic will take us closer to getting infected and not being empathetic will make us less human. What kind of trouble have we got for us, and what is the purpose of this scenario? Is it for us to realise that we are not in touch with very mother nature and to help us introspect how humans are inseparable from each other despite worst-case scenarios.

I am confident humans will trade through this and come out more strong and aware. We have learned the value of community worker and realised the un-noticed efforts of the lady members in the family. We are more educated about how to maintain our good hygiene and not push anything and everything edible through your food pipe. We have got more aware of how to build our immunity and build a robust in-house system to fight the virus and make self anti-bodies instead of relying on medical laboratories.

So, my dear reader, it is a phase that has come to make us more human. As the level of imagination, adoption and improvement capacity a human has is not blessed by supreme conscious to any other being. We, as humans, have the power to change. Let's bring the change and create a better world full of good affirmations and rejuvenating nature.  


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