Bonding or Binding

Relationships should be bonding not bidding. I recently came across a statement that said that a relationship is a constant effort of commitment, communication and compromise. Which is the reality if you fail to balance all the three the relationship becomes bidding. We all go through our own ups and downs in the journey of life and as the saying goes, enjoying the journey is more important than the destination. But how many of us actually enjoy it? Take a pause and restart enjoying it.

During the counselling and coaching sessions, I come across the majority of concerns that are reloving around perception and lifestyle. We have made our lifestyle so materialistic that happiness or wow moments are connected to the accumulation rather than the feelings. The measurement has become more important. We need to encumber the burden of measurement. Eg. I am doing XYZ and I deserve ABC from the other person. Is this the commitment other personed signed with you or did you communicate your expectations, if you did why always expect, can you not compromise? And if you have been compromising for long did you communicate and tried to understand the other person feeling towards your perspective. All answers to the above lie only with both parties together anyone in isolation is unfair.

The other interesting fact also is that the person who compromises the most is the one who expects the least as compromising is a general nature and one day that pressure of compromise blasts and burns the relationship. I always say expectations are judgemental, as the ones who are expecting is calculating their as well other behaviour or responses. At the same time, the one who accepts the matter is more forgiving and adaptable. Here no one is superior to the other as each one is suffering at their own level. But, I recommend the acceptance enjoyment as that gives you the power of managing yourself instead of giving the advantage to others.

We all are doing our bits in the best ways, keep appreciating ourselves and communicate with ourselves for forgiving and moving forward. We are on the journey of life and we have stoppages on our way, enjoy them and learn from them, keep moving & forgiving for our own wellness mentally & enrich the learning experience.


Unknown said…
Rightly said though, but compromise is one thing which is "The deciding" factor in every relationship though the degree of magnitude varies from person to person.
Unknown said…
Agree, everyone has different perception about everything. But when the both are on same grounds the gravity is attained
Vow wonderful syncrinization of ideology and reality.
Unknown said…
Good analogy of relationship

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