Spirituality for the Soul

Quite often, spirituality term is aligned to be a synonym of religion or ritual. It is a need today that we understand spirituality is for our soul and not for any societal belief. Religion and tradition are the drawn rules & systems by the society or community to practice spirituality. Our ancestors knew well that metaphors work better than preachings. Hence, the following specific patterns became the way to embark on the journey of spirituality. Aspects like meditation, pranayama, yoga & sadhana are methods of attaining spirituality. Purpose of making these aspects as part of religion and rituals was to make sure these were conducted time and often. 

Today, the adoption of the concept of intermittent fasting is common in even younger generations. Our ancestors followed the system of intermittent fasting at the time of conducting any religious rituals. Today we are very well aware that fasting or intermittent fasting helps us detox our bodies and eat up the cells that are not required or are harmful to the body. Hence, our ancestors made fasting as a compulsion with a purpose, which helps our bodies get detoxed in the name of God and scientifically a human body stays healthy. 

In the same way, after the munj (janoi) of a child, he was made to sit and do sadhana of Gayatri Mantra every day twice. When you are chanting mantras, you have a steadfast focus on your words, and you do certain hand rituals which gets your conscious mind busy, and subconscious mind focused. This synchronisation of mind & body helps you to enhance your concentration power. In earlier times, a child going to gurukul to study needs much of concentration with the distractive thoughts of being away from the family. A ritual like these are many this is just one example, to quote. 

Our ancestors knew people then did not believe in science, and they were more driven with the fear of God. Hence, many aspects of the religion and rituals are deep-rooted in the scientific management of the environment, the human body, the human mind, natural balance and so on. Spirituality is food for our soul. The process of meditation or any related connects you deep with yourself, giving you a window to understanding the very nature of yourself (the spirit in you). In the Gita, it is mentioned that deha and dehi are two separate entities. Deha (body) is mortal (shashwat) whereas dehi (soul) is immortal (ashashwat). 

Spirituality helps you enhance your living experience by feeding the soul, which is immortal in itself. Every time a deha (body) is attained by the dehi (the soul) it is a new journey and destination is the death. Hence, focus on enhancing your living experience through your soul and mind instead of feeding your worldly needs.


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