Is judging required?

Judging a person has always been an unsaid rule since we got into dealings of any kind. Nature of transaction is irrelevant, but the judgment of the person with whom you are dealing is significant. Is it necessary? Can we overcome our instinct and be more conscious in our thoughts?

Why is it required?
1) One's probable behaviour (acceptance or appreciation or rejection or criticism)
2) Our action impact (the result of our action)

Acceptance and appreciation is a human most desired feeling, although many times our actions are not judged as we intend. In the same way, we want to analyse beforehand the outcome of any of our activity, as we want to create the right judgement about us. As the cliche goes "depend on others & you will go hungry." Why are you looking for a review of others? What makes you the righteous to judge anyone?
Do you judge yourself? If you start that, you will term it as self-criticism, isn't it? So when you are judging yourself, you call it criticism and when you are evaluating someone else, you consider it understanding/perception.

Companies expect HR experts to judge employees, in relations, we judge each other, in society we judge individuals, in schools teachers judge students, in holy places we judge religion and in silence we judge ourselves.

Try to see the world without judging it; you will see a different version of it, the actual version. We need only to behave the way we are. When we start acting assuming/judging other person perceptions, we are messing up with the whole process of human dealing. What you perceive is you and what others perceive is them. The way you are you behave, why behave considering what the other is behaving. Make yourself perfect, not judgement or reactor.

This universe is a beautiful place with beautiful existence; we need to see it as it is and deal with everything the way it is. The more we try to analyse and assume the more we will fall in the trap of judgemental aspects. Time to see as it is and be what you are, more often we do it naturally more we will surround things the natural way. If you are excellent, you will be around nice or more excellent existence and vice versa, influence situations, not people. 


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