How to deal with different types of people?

There are various types of people you come across, and each person has unique traits combinations of their-self. People might be like-minded, but they are not the same minded. The pattern in which each person looks at the same aspect gives a variety of dimensions to that particular aspect.

Broadly we can categorise people in fives type. The combinations are going to be unique to make that person an individual. But, the category can outline the thought process. 

Type 1 - Learner: These set of people believe firmly in learning, they are not sure where they will apply all this learning, but they're so driven by the idea of learning that they keep learning in any given situation. These set of personalities are also very optimistic as they do not see any threat as they enjoy the exploration process, hence are very straight forward in their dealings.

Type 2 - Executor: These personalities are meticulous in their work. They believe in the perfection of work, their thoughts are generally not very creative, or I can say logical. Still, their implementation of an idea given to them is to the T. Such personalities usually are found to be shroud, as they are so involved in doing things that they miss to value things.

Type 3 - Teacher: They work best when they are in the building process. As they have good enough knowledge to give ideas, logic to convert vision into action but they lack the implementation. They work best for startups. They have all fondness for starting things, and if supported by executor traits, these personalities can be very successful. Such personalities are like water; they adjust themselves in any situation and are accepted by mass with ease. 

Type 4 - Destructors: Personalities like these are required to maintain the balance of good and evil. Their thoughts are so strong and mostly negatively that no matter how softly you put across, they will only find ideas as not workable. They are the best critics and master in auditing. Themselves might not be that creative or practical, but they play a vital role in pushing the idea to perfection and are good company for the brainstorming process.

Type 5 - Defenders: A argumentative personality trait. They have knowledge, creativity, logic and understanding, but they apply all of this is just proving their point. Sometimes the fact they are proving may not be required, but they get indulged in the discussion as they want their presence to be felt for which they will start with defence. Such personalities are best avoided as they waste your time and energy in arguing. Here you will need to be analytical to understand the point is worthless or otherwise. If the matter is worthy, they can be of great help to analyse situations in times of need to improve.

Try to see people from these categories you will know how to deal with them effectively.


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