Secure your Insecurities for Success

Creative thinking comes when you are least expecting it. We keep seeking answers to our questions, but we don't get it often till you reach the edge as edge brings you near success. Not everyone is fortunate to an opportunity which makes them climb the ladder without much of efforts. So what is significant is you should keep thinking. The machine called the brain has to keep functioning in an optimal way to reach the edge. 

Human psychologist says that creativity often is an overrated term as one gets most creative when they are insecure. Hold on before you start looking for insecurities. First, understand what does insecurity mean. They are mere fears that we develop, and understand it, the concern that we create and not situations or external factors. Fears are those thoughts that we dread of, and we repeated think them in isolation. 

When these fears start getting more substantial, you start getting more and more insecure, and this leads to failure. Yes, I did say insecurities bring success, and they do when you righteously tackle them that is when you deal with insecurities as your weapon to be more confident. We often let fear cloud us so much that we create a comfort zone around us. This comfort zone is so precious to us that we do not realise that we are holding our potential to explore further. 

It is time we challenge our comfort zone for our betterment. An intellect in her narration mentioned that one should break the comforting habits to challenge the brain. We in our daily life are so used to routines that if anything disturbs it we get agitated and we find the whole day falling out of line. The reaction to the situation is the key to your additional day. If you react restlessly, you will find other ten reasons to be further agitated, but if you respond to it more thoughtfully, you will find control on the day.

The thoughtfulness needs to develop, which is creativity. When you look at the purpose of disturbance in responding mode, you will find you are the reason for the disruption and not something out of your control. So next time you have a situation do not react, think of it with route cause and then respond. When you start responding instead of reacting you are using your brain, till then you are only acting.

The method of responding is a significant way to move out of your comfort zone. Anything that is challenging your general way of thinking you are utilising brain in a better way. We in the fast-paced life are so used to only reacting that we have forgotten to respond. Now how is fear related to reaction and response, as I mentioned before that fear is self-developed thoughts, that occur due to our capacity to deal. When you react often, you create a wall around you which limits your vision. This wall holds you and makes you form that comfort zone which is dangerous for your success.

When we live in the comfort zone, we fear more and hold ourselves, and we do not let form relations, we do not reach opportunities, and we do not explore the self-potential. Hence, understand your fears and respond to them. When you move out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself, you will be able to deal with worries and avoid its reflection in your living patterns. When you are not insecure about anything, you will feel more freedom to go out and explore. Be it opportunities to develop a career or relationships, which make you a more acceptable person. So rock the insecurities to secure your success.


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