Seven Stages of Love

Seven is a very pious number with so many significant beliefs touching to each aspect of life forming complete circle of life. Be it time, spirituality, colours, music, ways of life, gratitude or attachment.

There are so many cultural beliefs based on number 7:
7 days in week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday)

7 horses to Sun (Surya Dev) cart (Gayatri, Brihati, Ushnih, Jagati, Trishtubha, Anushtubha and Pankti)

7 colours of rainbow (saat rang) (Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange & Red)

7 significant activities of day for human (saat kriya) (Teeth Cleaning, Body Cleaning, Internal Cleaning, Meditation, Worship, Meals & Sleep)

7 notes of music (saat sargam) (Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha & Ni)

7 gratitudes (saat abhivadan) (Mother, Father, Teacher, God, Sun, Fire & Guest)

7 promises of marriage (saat kasme) (Welfare, Strength, Acceptance, Nurture, Respect, Commitment & Eternity)

With that I am going to talk about seven stages of love. Today, love has become such a cliche word that the pious & purity of it has been ignored. All these 7 stages have such great sense of emotion that it takes you to cloud 9 to enjoy the togetherness.

1) Attraction (Dilkashi): First stage is attraction when two people get attracted to each other and the pull is so strong that they are not able to swim through the tide and they get sunk in each other lives and find their way to stage 2.

2) Attachment (Unns): Getting involved in each other. This involvement has no definition. They both are so lost in each other that they start living each others life and look at individual problem as their problem. Attachment is strong connection of emotions.

3) Affection (Mohabbat): By this stage they are so emotionally connected leading to affection. They consider the other before self and become selfless. They leave no stone unturned to give happiness to other.

4) Passion (Junoon)Here couple realise that they can cross any boundaries to be with each other and live the commitment. They can go to any extent to live together. One of most significant stage. You loose control over mind to take control of your heart, in real your partner has control over your emotions.

5)  Trust (Akidat): From stage 5 love life starts getting more mature. They liked each other, got involved, expressed their love, now is the time to understand each other. The dreams and fantasies are accompanied by challenges, from where the ride gets little bumpy when you require each other by side in any situation but life is not fairy tale. One cannot be always together, that builds trust.

6) Worship (Ibadat): When you overcome your fears and develop faith in each other, you become god for each other, who is worth the worship. Stage were you realise that you complete each other. This stage is very close to stage 5 as there is very thin line in trust & worship, trust is belief and worship is about faith.

7) Eternity (Hamayshgi): Nothing can do us apart. Love is eternal. We are forever, inseparable as souls. We live or die our emotions shall live forever.

Today couple come together and soon fall apart. Reason is they don't pass the 5th stage in majority of cases. Courtship or affairs are not something to encourage but things are still under control. But once knots are tied couple become responsible for each other. To take responsibility of others is a selfless task and now a days people follow more of selfish lifestyle, where materialistic things matter more.
A major area of worry for the Constitution of Marriage. 

Learn to loose yourself in love and love is in every relationship. Find your love and live these 7 stages to realise the true sense of love in its purest form. It is all about emotions and being with each other in any situation or form.


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