4 Phases of Life

Life is a beautiful journey! If I may, I can tag it to the paradox of train journey. We board the medium from different stations we stand at be the station of age, new beginning, new role or many such times in each ones life.

When we are train as the path may be chalked, it takes us from bridges to tunnels. Bridges in our life are the connecting chances we grab to go ahead and tunnels are those dark times we want to overcome of. In life sometimes we deviate from the chalked path like trains halts at red signal, what if train breaks the signal? We all know what blunders it may cause. Similarly few deviation in the chalked path are good sometimes. It is very well said many times when we see it as end, the divine is just trying to bend.

I will like to tag our journey of life in 4 phases. In Hindu dharma also it is segregated in 4 stages; Brahmacharya (a student), Grihastha (a homemaker), Vanaprastha (a retired) and Sannyasa (a renunciate), but mine are more to do with our behaviour and not our ways of living. Hindu dharma has segregated them based on the age group with the motto to maintain the balance in Sansar (ways of living). My tagging is more based on the milestone achievements and internal thought process change.

1. Survival
From the day we are born the constant effort is towards survival. We keep looking for ways to keep surviving, to learn new ways to survive. We try to evolve for managing a better living. We constantly strive to create a amicable environment to have a better survival.

2. Security
Once, we are reach the phase of survival we have insecurities of loosing this hard learnt survival zone. We then start putting efforts to sustain and maintain it. We seek security for us, families, friends, careers & social status. Our efforts are driven in way to achieve this secure zone.

3. Success
Post the security you start feeling content with life, which is a phase of success. You have achieved what is needed. Then the run is for want. The journey from need to want starts post achievement of success. As success gets you possible medium to procure your wants, the path taken is to achieve the wants.

4. SignificanceOften, people who observe success towards the end of this journey realise that the efforts were only limited to their sense of achievement and they have lost few precious things as part of this process. Hence, they start their journey towards significance. Things that are of significance. During this stage the important realisation is; gratitude is the key to happiness. Which somehow in the previous 3 phases is highly ignored. This phase of life brings you peace of mind, happiness and positive thoughts, all 3 leading to stress free self. 
The living changes its meaning by wanting to create something that has greater meaning. How to contribute towards significance. How to be remembered for significant things.
Once, a individual realises what is significant in life, they put their efforts towards that only. They have clarity of thoughts and focus on driving their engine towards the destinations they want to enjoy.

Life is a journey of stations, bridges, tunnels and destinations all meant to be enjoyed. Just going through this journey is not the purpose, living this journey to the fullest is the requirement. When you live through it you experience life every day in a new way, bringing you newness with each sunrise and sense of gratitude with each sunset. 


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