Internal Critic Management

Often it so happens that our internal critic is so strong that it over powers our thoughts. Sometimes these thoughts have the capacity to overcome and many times we surrender to the internal critic.

What one should do to ensure that this internal critic is positive and you achieve what is desired as part of this huff. Your critical side can be a great help as far your personal development is considered, when you take those thoughts in positive light. It at same time takes a mental toll to analyse which side of you is better for yourself. As it is a argument / discuss with you vs you.

1. Focus on the key point of the matter: When there is a internal huff, that is generally for a matter that bothers us be it as tiny as a pin or as big as life itself. But, you need to identify that key to the lock in which you have some dissatisfaction with self. The reason of this dissatisfaction. On identifying the reason of dissatisfaction you will be easily able cure your pain.

2. Not necessary to agree with either: When there is internal argument you will always have 2 sides, a positive side to your thought and a negative side. You will need to find the rational side of the thought. Sometimes negative thoughts are saviours from wrong decisions. Any decision that is taken in light of rationalism is always justified.

3. Put it to rest for a while: As I mentioned earlier this kind of process is toll taking on mental self, not necessary to reach conclusion once the huff starts. You can always deactivate by diverting the thoughts to topics of liking or easier matters. Many times when we think of same aspects in different frame of mind, we get better understanding of aspects. Also learn to shut the thoughts, as every time critical outlook is not required.

4. Take external advice: It is also a need that you should take external help where required. Our internal critics is not best at times in giving us all outlooks. The internal critic also gets biased and divert you from the right decision. Many times unknowingly we try to tame our internal critic, which is a wrong practise as then your decisions are driven by the more empowered thought. You will have to identify the bias and look for the right advice.

5. Look for me time: We should spend at least 1 hour of the day with ourself. It helps in introspecting ourself on day to day basis. As professionals are assessed on constant basis for their performance. We should also have a me time to assess ourself. When we do once a day it is easier to manage your thoughts, if we don't spend such time on regular intervals, sorting thoughts is difficult.

6. Take good care of yourself
: Nothing in your life is more important than yourself. So to have a healthy you with healthy thoughts you need to take care of yourself. No matter how perfect your decision is but if you are internally not happy, it is not worth it. If you are too harsh on yourself to achieve perfection the purpose of self critic and self assessment is not achieved. 

Have you ever experience this internal huff? How have been your experience of dealing with these situations, do share for others to manage thoughts and gain more confidence.


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