Significance of Competency Mapping

The times of traditional methods of Human Resources Management processes are almost over. Every day it is becoming a challenge for the organisational management team. One of the increasing challenges is to keep the increasing millennial resources motivated. Millennials to great extent are over-influenced by the idea of self-awareness and constant up-gradation. This is normal in today's resource market considering to match up with the competition. For constant upgradation they need to understand their performance. In such scenarios traditional method of once, a year or half-yearly performance reviews would not drive them. In such situations how will you keep them engaged for enhanced productivity?
During my conversations with management teams to understand their challenges in managing Human Resource issues. The common observation is; that the constant need for motivation is a major factor of concern. Millennials are overexposed to the external world and opportunities which distract them from staying motivated in their current organisations. Focus on personal growth is high, but millennials' constant need of getting appraised about their performance is higher. Which makes it challenging for the organisation to keep them focused on organisational goals.

In such circumstances, the objective method of measuring performance is the effective one. HR process named competency mapping is very well established to do so. The mapping of competencies requires an affective relation to the organisational goal. The process of setting it up is significant and once set gives you solutions to ongoing challenges. Lately, the focus of management has been reduced on competency mapping due to a lack of time. As this process is extensive and needs implementation from the grass-root level. But the organisations who believe in this methodology are bearing the sweet fruits of this process.
What are the advantages of Competency Mapping?
1. Right Person for the Right Job: Major challenge today is we are compromising on the recruitment process. The reason is a lack of available resources. Recruiters are on tight deadlines, which makes them salesperson, selling job to the candidate who is trainable. And then is the turn of management to buy such candidates. Competency Mapping gives clear resource requirements. It gives a gap analysis of what is available versus what requirement. In such cases, management has time to plan their manpower and get either internal people trained or hire the right candidate.
2. Productive Resources: Organisational goals are primary, but they require breaking into individual goals. The competency mapping relates each available competency with the required competency and gives a clear vision of how to utilise the available resource in a productive way.
3. Motivated Employees: When an individual has clear visibility of their performance, they stay focused. Employees find it very disheartening when due to subjective judgement they are at loss. Whereas the competency mapping dashboard gives them a clear vision of what are they versus expectations. The expectation setting did the ball started rolling on its own. This gives objectivity to the individual goals which are well aligned with organisational goals.
4. Employee - Employer Positive Bond: When the resource utilisation is at par with the availability, management definitely feels confident about the employee. Asides employees feel a sense of belongingness due to their contribution towards the organisational goal, which is a win-win situation.
5. Increased Profitability: When organisation goal achievement is in line with utilisation of resources at par. The profitability of the business is inevitable. Your input is effective with output to be as desired profits are in ascending graph.
It is never too late to start for the right cause. We help organisations set up HR processes and policies. You can always reach us for support from experienced and qualified professionals.


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