How Fair is the War of Gender (Published on Different Truths)

The war of the genders often boils down to the clichéd caliber vs competition argument. We fail to understand that why females have to prove that they are equal. The thought has emerged from the mindset that female are inferior. Over the period, females have been deprived of their human rights and basic respect. This is the outcome of a lot of theprevious lifestyle. It’s no point talking about past reasons or the roles assigned then. It was a part of life then. And it was largely acceptable. But with the changing lifestyle, demands, and environment, lot of changes are needed. And change is that only thing that is not accepted easily, either by the impacting party or by the one implementing it.
Today in a hurry to prove that females are equal to males there are a lot of aspects that are overlooked. Do you agree?
The race of male vs. female has led to the disintegration of most of the social rules. But we need to pause and understand the logic behind these. There are numerous rules, which are break worthy. At the same time, there are some rules that call for our considerations. With the change in time, demands are changing; so should the rules.
Somewhere the representation has a role to play in shaping our perceptions. Is it required when you talk about Sidhu winning the silver medal you should talk about Narsingh ban? Media plays a significant role while making such representations. Many times, our language replicates what we hear from others.
It is important that we filter before we utter.
The foundation of girl power or female equalisation has greater goals. Just winning against men is not the agenda. It is eliminating the domination and chauvinism. It is not only against genders but against genders with the same mindset. There are many women, who believe that men are superior. It will take time  to change the mindset of the people, which has been formed through other sources. Some rituals, reservations, cultural aspects and many other day-to-day practices are responsible for this mindset.
Women also need to change their mindset. There are many examples, where women are responsible for their own fall. When you’re forced to do any action, you should not react and retaliate. You should stay calm and focused and explain it in a level headed manner. And when the other party does not have the maturity to listen or understand your point of view, is not ready to give you the basic right of expression, it is jungle rule. You are human. And you have all rights to walk out.
The war of the genders often boils down to the clichéd caliber vs competition argument. We fail to understand that why females have to prove that they are equal. The thought has emerged from the mindset that female are inferior. Over the period, females have been deprived of their human rights and basic respect. This is the outcome of a lot of the previous lifestyle. It’s no point talking about past reasons or the roles assigned then. It was a part of life then. And it was largely acceptable. But with the changing lifestyle, demands, and environment, a lot of changes are needed. And change is that only thing that is not accepted easily, either by the impacting party or by the one implementing it.
Next time you hear the news of female achievement look at it as a win and not a defeat of the male. If you also start making men feel inferior what example are you setting? You are being unreasonable in the same fashion. All these years, the thoughts of female inferiority have infused by saying that men are superior.
Now, the representation is saying female are superior so they deserve a chance.
Everyone deserves a chance irrespective of what gender they belong to. If you agree, encourage the victory of an individual. It does not matter which gender has the upper hand. This, to my mind, is a step forward in gender equality.


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