What is Happiness?

Quiet often I have observed that people are not content with what they have. Our elder or ancestors use to say you should be happy with what you have. But lately the life style and greed has lead us not to be happy. 
There are numerous theories and philosophies existing which tell us how to be happy. Many saints, philosophers, guru's and intellectuals tell what one should do to stay happy. You can also find lot of people opinions and articles if you will search internet for word "HAPPINESS". Again I'm one of the above who is trying to explain my thoughts of happiness.
But in all this my question is are we going to find the answer of our own happiness in someone else philosophies. Human as creature was not created with greed. But they themselves have evolved as greedy. If we go back to the stone-age the humans then were not looking for more and more. All we have studied & read; it was jungle raaj. Survival of the fittest and also post the need they will not hunt even if available. 
Today we represent as if we are looking for happiness. But one should actually ask what is not in life. One should look for what they have in their life. One of my previous professional acquaintance use to tell me females seek self sympathy. I always use to disagree and tell him that it is not self sympathy but attention. 
When anyone is trying to express that how unhappy they are; I try to give them attention and not solution. We all have our own solutions within and we can only deal with our own problems. But what we are seeking is attention. As human if we are with people whom we like and enjoy life with, you will forget all the problems of life.
I'm not going to guide what one should do to find happiness. I'm of a opinion that one should ask themselves what they have in their life and what they need. Today most of us who can read my article are in a stage where you have what you need. It is the thought that my life is not perfect, and to make it perfect I want x...y...zeee.
As humans we can also survive without food for days, but we have stimulated our bodies to eat number of times. And please don't judge me by this line, I'm a foodie and I love to eat new thing and cherish the taste. My view here only is I need food and need not look for the taste to cherish it. When I'm looking for food to cherish I'm getting greedy. And importantly when I will not find the taste good enough as per my taste buds; I will consider it as imperfect.
Next time when you are thinking about problems or miseries of your life; pause and think of what you need and what you have. When you have what you need and you are still pondering over what you want. You will find solution to your problems and you will not seek any sympathy or attention. 
Surrender yourself to the nature. It has the immense power to give you strength to live your life more happily and make you feel satisfied. Instead of looking for happiness look for satisfaction. Even the king is not happy in his palace and labor is content with his daily wage; as he can feed his family today.


Pritam kumar Goswami said…
Excellent stuff. Simple but went straight in heart.
Unknown said…
Thank you, your words of appreciation matters a lot

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