Desire Business?

Lot of us are aiming to be proprietors. We love to steer our life our day the way we want. There is always a hidden desire in the people to start something of their own. Either small function or big plan. 
This desire as per the recent survey point towards more of women looking at business prospect. With the increasing number of working women and the multi facet role they play. They want to be busy working and they have the capability of multitasking. They have home, family, kids, career and socialisation on their plate. With so much to achieve they want the freedom and flexibility to manage their day.
Not to forget from generations men feel more accomplished working on their own setup. Men look for more growth rather than freedom. Men purpose of doing own business is beyond flexibility and freedom.
In India every state has their own kind of traditional thoughts. Few state culture inculcate more of working culture and few induce business. Depending on the culture transfered the next generation gets ready for the same. 
Exceptions are always their. Today breaking all the streotypes and standing out in the crowd is more aimed then just following. Millenials are looking forward to their life their way. They do not beleive in impressing, they want to live the way they want.
Do you also have a desire to start your setup? A question we should ask ourselves.
Watch this space for my next article if your answer is YES to the above question.


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