Ask Yourself

In my last article I have asked you if you have desire to do business. I have spoken about reasons why different type of people want to start on own. The desire is not limiting any gender, class, age or geography. So, are you the one who desire to start on own? The one who wants to take the control.
If you are than few points to consider before you actually start your journey. While getting into any decision we must do some introspection. The decision is your's and you are the one who is going to take it to success. So before even starting to lay foundation; ask some questions to yourself. Not necessary that you will like these questions and you will find all answers within. But these answers in honest fashion are necessary if you want to prove your decision.
Why do I want to quit what I'm doing?
Will I enjoy what I'm starting till the end?
Will I be able to continue with the same energy always?
Am I self driven? Will I need someone to push me to the edge?
What will I miss from my current role or job?
How will I manage the demand of new venture?
Am I a person who can keep work before everything? (Kids, Family, Social life, Friends, Vacations etc)
These all answers will help you understand if you are ready to start on own. Also not to forget that few of us have the tendency to answer the question looking at the current need of hour. But here you will need to be honest; than only you can reach the right decision. Fooling yourself will only lead to your own dissatisfaction and not to the goal. 
If you find it difficult to find answers yourself. Try reaching to someone who knows and understand you well as a person. A well wisher, a family, a friend, a soul mate, a partner etc. But the above question needs answers from you as a person and not as a person who is prospecting to start own venture.
The above answer will only lead you to introspect yourslf. They will analyse if you are ready to start on own. Of course there are more questions to ask which are more related to logistics of new venture. Like the resources, investments, financial impacts, risks etc. For these answers you should reach the right set of advisors. 


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