Where is Money?

We love to splurge what we earn. Today most of the millennials are functioning on hand to mouth situation. Millennials believe in contemporary living. The earning to depleting process leads to drain. 
Everyone wants to enjoy life and live it king size. The emolument is the limit; is what is calculation base in today's style of living. Economy is word just used to look for country financial strength. Economy is synonym of saving is something we all need to remind ourselves. There are lot of factors that affect the decision making leading to wrong spending. Like; status quo, desires, competition and impulsive thoughts. 
Today's top desire to earn money over short span and retire at the age of 40. With that the pressure of quick earning is high and maintaining the standard is higher. We need to traverse and oversee; is it worth what we are spending. Is the expense meaningful or we are just being impetuous.
The spenders or financial planners need to also consider the uncertain financial market. Loosing a job or business going to drain is no more unusual. With every year retrenchments trends are in upward direction.  
Grave thing to this is; financial advisers also advice analyzing the investors thought process. They are into business and doing business forgetting their professional values. Most of the financial advisers are supporting financial institution selling their solutions. Advisers instead of advising depending on ones income are advising on ones desire.
Human desires are illimitable. But each one of us can be good planner. Even if you are not expert in financial matters. You're good at taking control of your life. We all have learnt in our respective fields that output can not be more than input. And also if you want better output from available input you need to use your resources in optimal way. 
Next time before swiping your card or handing over wealth to anyone check your priority list. Analyse your savings if they are enough, if you loose your income next morning. It is not about loosing job but it is about securing your future and your family's too.


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