When we talk travel; everyone has different perception towards it. Some talk destinations and places to visit, their excitement revolves around going places, exploring. For some it is more of laid back time. Sometime with self, sometime to halcyon. 
What is important in travelling is you ASSIMILATE.  Travelling is all about exploring new avenues by exploring places or self introspection. Travelling pumps thoughts which lead to traverse your own though process. One gets to see things from broader view. The perception gets newer horizons which leads to proliferation of grey cells.
We all long for breaks with the stressful lives. And travelling is the best way to take a break. Travelling break rewards are much more.
- Improves Planning Skills: When you travel the 1st step is to explore the options. Freeze the most exciting one and plan further to make it thrilling. Even when you are travelling the plan may not work which will give you learning of how to be ready for plan B.
- Challenging Comfort Zone: When you are out of your cozy house your comfort is at stake at times. And when your plan A is not working the comfort or the excitement is at ground level. Mother Bird knows that until she do not push the baby bird out of nest it will not learn flying.
- Desire to Explore: Interest to go beyond is increases. When you travel you want to gain much more, which leads to desire for exploring. One starts looking for more things. Be that in form of understanding culture or being part of that culture.
- Cultural Enhancement: New place, new people, new thoughts all coming for different cultures. In same country also different states have different cultures. 
- Horizon to Perceptions: You get larger horizon to thoughts. Something you have always seen in black and white would be available in color. With travel you meet more people and they also infuse new angles to thoughts.
- Self Introspection: The person who finds oneself content. While travelling start exploring own weaknesses. When you move out of your routine you get time to take a sly within. When doing soul-searching you start loving yourself and get self absorbed.
- Power of Admiration: Acceptance of weakness gives window to appreciate others strengths. Till you are unaware of self weaknesses you do not accept others greatness. Even the absence of one person in break times helps you understand the significance. As well the support of person at your real life during break makes you realize the significance. When you start admiring or appreciating people relationships also strengthen.
Travelling gives you new look towards your life, a ray that cuts through the stereotypes. Makes you feel new from within. Your soul gets cleaned and refreshed for better output. Changes your productivity level and positivity is your best friend.
Get to research today and plan a good break for yourself to enhance yourself. You deserve it you have earned it.


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