How to find Happiness - 7 steps guide

We all are so preoccupied in our worlds that we feel happiness is something we have to find. The reality is happiness is something you have to feel with the moment.
With more opportunities there are more challenges of psychological disorders. Organisations are running awareness programs that psychological disorders are not mental cases. It is not necessary that a patient who is suffering from psychological disorder is not mental, he needs medication or treatment as in normal sickness.
If you analyse you will find out that today most of people will say "i'm stressed", "who has time", I don't have time to be happy". But the reality is you do not need any time or no skills to deal with stress when it comes to happiness. All you need is willingess to be happy. 
Earlier people were more happy as for them happiness was materialistic. For them it was about being content. If you are looking for happiness, look around and you will find in those small gestures. Few things to remember while looking for happiness:
- Remember word ENJOY. Do not purse happiness. Learn to enjoy each moment and if moment is not enjoyable  have the spirit to over come it.
- We all are different individual and we have our own set of problem, so DON'T COMPARE yourself. When you are comparing you are evaluating your moment and not enjoying
- When you evaluate your happiness, you are actually trying to analyse if there is any improvement area, which kills the feeling of happiness which leads to depression
-  There is no scale for happiness, all adjectives are just for expression and not feelings
- Happiness is about feeling and enjoying, if you go HUNTING you will never experience true happiness. You disrupt the ability to be happy when you hunt for it
- Do not base your happiness on CIRCUMSTANCES. When you base your happiness on any event or achievement you will not be able to enjoy the moment, as you will keep looking for next reason
- And happiness multiplies with SHARING. When you cherish happiness alone the experience is less rich 
If you can sum up all the above you will not find it difficult to be happy every day. Happiness generate happy cells and reduces stress cell. Learn to be happy and you bust the stress. 
You have any tips to be happy do comment with your tips. 


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