5 Actions for Enhanced Productivity

Burning concern of all organisations is efficiency and productivity of resources. Available resources vs Expected output generally do not match these days. We have seen many teasers or cartoons which represent client briefing vs client expectations. Surprising each industry is able to relate to it.
As HR we always tell delivery people what is important for best services is happy employees. If you take care of your employees they will take care of your clients. And ultimate result is positive. When we are talking about resources lets not constraint ourselves with human resources only. Many external factors play role. How we can control that and how we can enhance the productivity.
The algebra rules says that input=output. But today we want output = enhanced input. When we want enhanced input we will have to follow few steps which leads to efficiency at any level r profile.

1. Prioritise: We should learn to chalk down everyday top 3 things that you have accomplish. When you know your top 3 priority it is always easier to achieve. We generally end up chalking down all the task and then get to finish them. But everything can not be priority. We have to identify what is real priority. As you have to always keep in mind some buffer time for last min task; which I term as FIRE FIGHTING. When you do not have anything on task list and you have to give it priority it is emergency and not priority.

2. Activeness: One should be proactive and not reactive. We use this proactive word too often but we often do not implement. As for being proactive you will need to be active. You should be on top of your responsibilities as well trends. You should be able to foresight what is coming and what the succession planning in place. We generally start finding solution when we have problem. Instead we need be active enough to understand the coming opportunity or challenge.

3. Seek Assistance: Many managers fail to trust or seek help. They are either insecure or lack the leadership quality. When you do not delegate it is your inefficiency. When you certain task that are for your team to execute and you still become a bottle neck and keep working. You are killing you own productivity. You have to understand you can not do everything. If CEO wants to keep all the activities to go from his table it will kill the purpose of his role. As in organisation there are many acitivities which are day to day. If he/she is unable to delegate then he/she will not be able to focus on the core of his profile. He/she will keep doing the middle level task of checking and approving. He/she will not be able to focus on larger picture like business & organisation success.

4. Analyse the Day: When you close your day fetch some time to be alone without any disturbance and in a relax mode. Generally good ideas and creative thinking happens when your brain is thinking. And to surprise few of you our brain thinks only when we relax. Otherwise it is just functioning. Our brain during the day is so busy processing information that it can not be thinking. So you find a time at the end of the day when you are at peace and run through the day. It will give you many areas which you will feel you can improvise. It will highlight few conversations which will show opportunity and so on. Our stored thoughts are powerful, when you reprocess those thoughts you find your answers. Which in turn lead to solutions and enhanced productivity.

5. Emails are not Priority: Many have habit to check emails the moment they listen the alert for email. We all fail to understand that emergency or priorities are not on email. If there is anything super burning other person will either pick a call or meet you. Email is method of communication and documentation. When  you are out of office you can assign the email to your mobile handsets to make sure no disaster happens. But take those alerts to back seat once you leave the office. When you have same things on your mind all 24 hours your body do not relax. And ultimate result is reduction in productivity. You should be approachable 24x7 but not necessary available 24x7. We humans need some rejuvenation time, otherwise our systems are not effective.

All the above things can also be relevant in personal or social life management. We just have to remember we are suppose to utilise ourselves and not exploit. When you exploit any resource living / mechanical it will not give you enhanced productivity.

Author Bio: Asmani Jamdar Surve is a successful HR professional with experience over decade. Writing is her passion, you can read her articles on her blog http://ashirules.blogspot.in/. She loves spending time with her toddler and enjoys her life with family & friends. Asmani is active in social causes and sensitive towards animals. Her hobbies are traveling, reading and sharing her experiences. If you wish to reach her you can connect with her on twitter@Asmani24


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