Insecurities kill Leadership
If your aim is to be a leader, make sure you do not pamper your own ego. And for you to identify you are doing it, best symptom is when you start feeling insecure.

Most of us are unaware of sensing insecurity; biggest symptom is loud laughter. It is when you see people around who are laughing aloud without reason. You may find it odd, but they are venting out their inferiority. Psychologist have surveyed and proven that when you are not secure you tend to feel inferior. When you have to hide your inferiority, you act louder than required TWEET THIS.
If you are relating to this article as self behavior. Identify your reasons of insecurities. Below are few more symptoms to drill further;
- When someone is doubting everyone around
- When people have control issue, they want access even when there is no need
- When anyone is stick to his/her line manager, even if not required
- When other person is showing he/she is master of all and still results are not visible
- When he/she bad mouths about someone behind the back

What should one do in that case? A sensible person will ignore such instances and act as required without arguing. Real leader will go a step ahead, drill down the reason for behavior and try to counsel if possible. But the fact is, you cannot do anything much about it.
With the brief overview of insecurities and symptoms, let me come to the point of discussion. If you are a aspiring leader over come your own insecurities. Does it sound complex to identify your insecurities. Few simple thing you can do; take feedback at different intervals in a informal way or formal way. Depending on your relationships.
Observe yourself if you are doing any of the above in an free state. We all control our conscious minds but cannot do that with unconscious one. You can observe that many people have certain habits which they behave and are unaware of it. Some have habits like putting pen in mouth while thinking or talk to themselves.
Once you know you have problem at hand you can solve it better. Be with yourself for a while. Analyse your set of concerns at work or in personal life. It is not necessary that all inferiority are professional when at work. Something which is personal can also be bothering the person.

For a leader it is important that he do not represent any of the above symptoms. As it reduces his value and is not able to create the required impact. Leader are suppose to be idols and lead by actions. Said that it is also that leaders are humans, but humans who can supersede their own self. Who are in proper control of their lacuna as well as their insecurities.