Guaranteed methods of SOURCING
Today need of hour is talent. And there are so many distractions to source the right talent. Candidates are getting smarter by portraying their profiles with skills acquired or not. Writing profile is new profession now, although that is not what I'm talking here.
With time sourcing right candidate is becoming bulls eye. There is constant need of talent, either that be technical, functional or techno functional. We need resources who can understand our requirement and deliver as required.
But for recruiter it is on going challenge of sourcing these profiles. From where they should fetch right profile that have all required skills. Recruitment is a huge market and all have common platforms to source profiles. With huge market comes huge competition and high expectations of deliveries.
I believe, basics always works the best. You stick to basics at work and results are always guaranteed. Recruitment is no rocket science. But people who are master in that find it super simple and people who are amateur find it challenging. Which itself explains that recruitment is just like another job.
Every job have it own set of road blocks. It is up to the executor how to execute, so that results are overwhelming. Few aspects all recruiter should keep in mind while sourcing profiles:
- Persistence
- Emotional Quotient
- Commitment
- Organised method
Reading above, anyone will say there is nothing; that is extraordinary. It is requirement for any kind of role. That is what my point here is.
There is no guaranteed method of sourcing. All you need is persistency which will result in creating your own brand. If you keep in touch with someone at regular intervals. The person will either remember you positively or negatively. You have to apply your skills to make the positive mark.
Once you create the link, stay connected with emotional quotient. If you talk to someone with emotional key words. He/she will have a mark about you. Do not be mechanical. Do not talk to candidates like you are calling from call center. To have that creativity in you, you need to have commitment.
If I'm not liking what I'm doing I will work like machine. But if I'm enjoying and want to deliver as I like to pursue it further. I will find ways and means which will convert my efforts into results. When there is determination to get results you will be more creative in achieving it.
Once you have your brand in place, you have to focus on working organised way. If you do not keep track with your conversations or activities, you will be soon duplicating. And when you start duplicating your value in recruitment world is ZERO. All your efforts are in vain.
To list down a few tested methods:

- Job Boards
- Social networking
- Referral networking
- Marketing positions
- Freelancers
Make sure your client or your organisation has a talent acquisition process in place. When the process is set then only your profile feedback and closure of position will be quick. Recruitment industry is fast paced, if you slow down; candidate will grab another opportunity. As opportunity for talented people is never deemed.
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