Fundamentals of Mentoring

We always get into the happy mode when we talk about our childhood. And we forget the fact that, what we didn't like in the childhood we always remember the most. That's the irony. 
Why I got the topic of childhood, as what we learnt as kids we will always remember for lifetime. Science says it is so, as being kids our brains are super adaptable. But the emotional fact is; we learn everything with curiosity and people who teach us those basics are important people in our life. MENTORS!
If you wish to be mentor and want to make that difference in someone life. You will need to remember few basic fundamentals. Go back to your childhood and recall the people who acted as your mentors. You will remember first is your Mother followed by father & other family members and not to miss our teachers. The common factor in all these roles for a child is their affection and selfless reasons to develop you. 
SELFLESSNESS: I'm sure you would have got the most important factor. To be mentor you need to have selfless attitude towards mentee. Good mentor will require to have skills of teacher/parent based on the relationship & situation. As mentor you will require to create that faith in you; for the mentee to follow you. Mentee should have that confidence that my mentor will always guide me for my good.
INVEST TIME: When you want to make the change you will have to give time. Try to spend as much as time possible with your mentee. The more time you spend with him/her, they will get chance to learn & interact with you. As mentor it is important that you have positive bonding.
GOOD LISTENER: It is important that you exude patience. Being a mentor you require skills to not only know the mentee but also to understand. As a mentor you are suppose to be less judgmental. Listen, understand and not do not assume. Every student acts attentive, which does not mean he understand everything. As a mentor don't assume that information passed is understood. Understand if mentee has understood your point of view.
PROGRAM & OBJECTIVE: It is important that you both are on same page. Before starting the sessions. You both should have a thorough discussion of what are the expectations from each other and what is the result expected. The objective of both parties should be in sync.
PROCESS & ACCOUNTABILITY: It is equally important that mentee should be engaged. You should create a followup process and set accountability. As a mentor you are accountable to guide mentee to reach his/her goal. But as a mentee he/she should also show commitment by following up with you for required sessions. Check his engagement in the program and commitment towards achieving goal. 
COMMUNICATION & VALUE CREATION: The whole purpose of mentoring program is value creation. Mentor should be able to create that impact on the mentee life that he/she can tool it at required time. You as mentor are going to do this with only communication. Our mother realizes through own voice tone what mood we are into. It is the effective communication link we create that without telling they understand our tone. As mentor you have to understand that to create that impact you only have mode of communication. Use that mode implicitly to get results.
RELATIONSHIP: This word has an infinite definition as it means different to different situation and people. Here as a mentor I will recommend you should go beyond the social life of your mentee. Please not I do not mean you to be interfering. But when you are to mentor someone try to know his/her background a little. Sometimes past creates such impacts, which leaves results for future. Build a healthy relationship and create faith that you both can share your thoughts and work towards the goal.
We all have our share of uplifting mentors in our life. I'm grateful to those who have acted as one in mine. I want all reader to this understand that if you are going to be mentor; you are going to be change maker. Understand the responsibly and deliver to your best.
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