Ensure your credibility

Every person thinks he is right with what he is doing or delivering. The endorsement of feeling is when its accepted by relevant people around him nod. 
You want to boost your profile and gain more acceptance, you need to built credibility. You can build your own credibility by few steps;
Recall similar experiences:
When you are in discussion with people, only talk relevant. Where required share the similar instance you have gone through. When people know your knowledge base and your actions. They feel confident about you. Before passing comments or reaching on conclusions one should always consider other persons view.
Value creation:
Your credit is your value. And ones value can not calculated till he/she do not create value. For you to boost your value you will need to act which adds value to your activity. When your actions create value your credibility is higher.
Modest to yourself:
With the virtue of god, no one is perfect. Even after numerous tries we all have our own lacuna. Accept this fact. When you are wrong accept and make sure you do not make the same mistake more than thrice. Three time is limit. If you're modest people have confidence that you will not be self obsessed. 
Resilience & Plan B:
When you find failure or end without results. Do root cause analysis and get on track. Putting too much of time on failed plan and wasting time shows your lack of acceptance about your own self. You should get back and put in action your plan B. When you are quick to accept and move on you're consider to be logical thinker.
Lead & not rule:
To get respect you need to give respect. To lead you need to create value. Your credibility is based on your principles of creating value and impression. If you are into imposing and not implementation your credit is always lower.
Believe & give inputs:
As I have mentioned everyone thinks they are right. When some one is sharing or presenting something; always show belief. Once he /she has said it, then you should tell him your point of view. Give your honest input and explain the same, don't assume.
Give credit:
Your credibility increases when you give the due lime light to the deserved person. If you snatch or take away someone else credit you cannot gain credibility
Your though should be fact full. When your decision or judgments are not fair. People do not trust you and your credibility definitely lowered.
Mitigate & dare:
When your ideas are dare devil, you should always show the mitigation plan along. When you share plan of action in case of failures or mishaps people tend to believe your plan and support. Risk should always mitigated before suggesting.
Ask to Learn:
When in doubt ask. If you will ask you will show modesty. There is no harm in showing our lack of knowledge when it is lacking. Unnecessary nodding without understanding is foolish. Make sure you ask questions, be inquisitor and learn.
No Micro Management:
All people on gaining credibility want to keep thing in control. The biggest success delivered when your people are able to work independent. When you give them freedom to work they will always look upto you . Do not boss them, just lead them.
We all love to be credited and want to be credible for our actions. Our actions decide our credibility. Tweet this. 
Follow the same and you will gain. 
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