
The topic itself is so complicated that there are millions of article and yet we have not reached conclusion. And the simple answer is there is no simple understanding.

There are different kinds of humans and so are their behaviors. It is not possible to understand each ones behavior. We have to learn few things to be happy. The proverb goes "happiness is within you". If you want to be happy find it within yourself and not with people outside. None behaviors should bother you.

The mantra to happiness in today's world is detachment. The more you are attached the more is the expectations and more is the disappointment.

Behavior of people is very unpredictable today. So don't even try to be judgmental. Just focus on yourself and do things that represents you and makes you pleasant personality. Create a positive aura around you.

I have come across many personalities who always behave artificial. They feel if they are vulnerable and they will be used. I don't blame them this feeling has come to them with their own set of experiences. But as Mahatma Gandhi has said "One drop of polluted water do not pollute the ocean", we should make sure we are not the polluted drop.

With the passing time we all are going towards the individual world. But is it what we are really wanting. I guess NO.

As I said before detachment is the mantra for today, as we are unable to bear the pain of disappointment and we run out of the situation. With the pacing life we have paced out of patience.

Friends, do not run away. Face the situation and talk it out. We do not need to understand each one around and we do not need to be liked by each one. What we can do utmost is make people around us happy, be the reason of smile to others.

Once you are the reason smile you will not require to understand their behavior as they will be your reason of joy.


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