Are you Popular Colleague?
Emphasis on emotional quotient at work is increasing every day. With that the pressure of finding friend at work is also increasing. As human we always strive to find a comfort zone, a corner to share your feelings. When you find one the loyalty towards that place always is more. This is the reason now organisations are encouraging social relations at work.
But is it that everyone has the artistry to be friendly with co-workers. We all seek the bonding with someone whom we see as preferred colleague. We are arcane about the wish to be the preferred colleague. Here is how you can fulfill your clandestine wish.
Be Innovator: When you create value towards the organisation, you are preferred. The positivity from employer passes on and gives you the edge. So try to be innovating at your work and even at group activities. Innovation always welcomes new energy.
Be Pioneer: When you are the pioneer by nature you always look for new aspects and concepts. Which enables you to connect with more people, seek their opinion. Which makes them feel important. When you pioneer your credibility also increases. Overall when you pioneer you will gain proclivity
Be Integrator: When you have the dexterity to be the integrator, people like to be with you. You should have the spark to influence. When you are affable to integrate with people around they feel comfortable with you. Try not to create any uncomfortable situations or if situation occurs be demure over it and help others to move out.
Be Connector:

Be Advocate: We all live our lives in insecurities & fears. Be it physical, personal, emotional or professional. We feeble on something which is close to us. That closeness comes when bond is strong. The best way to connect is advocate for right and save the back of people around you. No one like complaining or criticizing person. The logic is simple if someone is bad mouthing about someone today, there is no assurance he/she will not bad mouth about you tomorrow. Understand and avoid negative talking about anyone rather save his/her back to gain positive persona.
There is nothing more required at work place if all the team members work together with great ideas and stick to each other to safe guard.