What keeps you going?

Everyone has reasons to cling to the job they are into. What is that keeps you going? What is that you care about?
There are few basic things everyone needs at job that motivate them. The first answer we all will say is money. But if you try to find deep within, actually money do not keep us going. It is just the need which keeps asking for money. Satisfaction comes with something beyond money. 
  • Fearless Environment
Here fear refers to our own insecurities. If the company has transparent communication, people do not have fears. In today's world the biggest fear is someone over shadowing you. To curb that feeling management & HR should do deliberate efforts. Be confident and kill your insecurities
  • Autonomy
When we ensure fearless environment, people are self governed. Managers need to give them wings, they will get us to sky. Have faith in them, you recruited them measuring skills give them the opportunity to perform. For employee it is important to work with self assessment as that is the best way of assessment.
  • Sense of Belongingness
When you are working for your business you will be more dedicated. In the same manner when you feel the belongingness towards your job, you will be more productive. Anything that gives you sense of "APNAPAN" is always close to your heart.
  • Challenging Work
We all are here to work and when there is no or less challenging work to offer, we don't enjoy. That reduces productivity as well as quality. HR should make sure the right candidate hiring for job. And every employee seeks challenge at work that is heart of job. 
  • Opportunity to Progress
Last but not the least opportunity of progress. It can be in form of knowledge or in reference to position, no one want to keep doing the same thing for years. Will you be happy and satisfied if asked to do same thing for life time. The answer is definite NO. Most of the home makers feel monotonous as they don't have opportunity to progress. Due to which they find ways to learn new styles and few try to give a new look to their kitchen/home/themselves. 
In the above ones I didn't feel any  money quotient, it is was all about emotional quotient. Discover your emotional quotient and utilise it to improvise your job satisfaction.


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