Bonding or Binding

Relationships should be bonding not bidding. I recently came across a statement that said that a relationship is a constant effort of commitment, communication and compromise . Which is the reality if you fail to balance all the three the relationship becomes bidding. We all go through our own ups and downs in the journey of life and as the saying goes, enjoying the journey is more important than the destination . But how many of us actually enjoy it? Take a pause and restart enjoying it. During the counselling and coaching sessions, I come across the majority of concerns that are reloving around perception and lifestyle . We have made our lifestyle so materialistic that happiness or wow moments are connected to the accumulation rather than the feelings . The measurement has become more important. We need to encumber the burden of measurement. Eg. I am doing XYZ and I deserve ABC from the other person. Is this the commitment other personed signed with you or did you communicate your ...