Divorce or Adultery - Trend or Failure

Indian society has been through so many hues. The palate, in the beginning, had only greys which with time have seen the complete range of the rainbow. The diversity of the country brings a variety of cultures and beliefs, along with the democratic nature of the constitution. With globalisation and at par operations, the exposure to the outside world is unlimited. With this exposure, the filters are not applied due to flexibility and adaptability. A classic example of bad parenting as I may say. Parent teaching children to explore and not teaching them to grasp only what is right. Now here for a country who is the parent? It is our culture, heritage, beliefs and traditions. Unfortunately, all these are considered as orthodox thoughts now. And being orthodox is being out of fashion. Today, one of the burning issues of Indian society is divorce or adultery. Let's go to the first step of marriage. As per the decade-old survey, 95% of marriages in India were arranged against t...