Seven Stages of Love

Seven is a very pious number with so many significant beliefs touching to each aspect of life forming complete circle of life. Be it time, spirituality, colours, music, ways of life, gratitude or attachment. There are so many cultural beliefs based on number 7: 7 days in week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday) 7 horses to Sun (Surya Dev) cart (Gayatri, Brihati, Ushnih, Jagati, Trishtubha, Anushtubha and Pankti) 7 colours of rainbow (saat rang) (Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange & Red) 7 significant activities of day for human (saat kriya) (Teeth Cleaning, Body Cleaning, Internal Cleaning, Meditation, Worship, Meals & Sleep) 7 notes of music (saat sargam) (Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha & Ni) 7 gratitudes (saat abhivadan) (Mother, Father, Teacher, God, Sun, Fire & Guest) 7 promises of marriage (saat kasme) (Welfare, Strength, Acceptance, Nurture, Respect, Commitment & Eternity) With that I am going to talk about seven stage...