Power Within You!

In the last few months, I have seen many phases in a short while. People whom I thought I could not imagine my life without being complete, are out of the picture and people whom I have not met are all around. Our mind is a powerful tool, and we have the power within us, which can help us climb mountains if we determine. There will always be negativity and demotivators around. You have to make that conscious effort in through your subconscious mind to trade through all the blockers. We own one of the most sophisticated machines, and we underestimate and take it for granted every moment of our life. We have made life as a race, and we want to win the race. Although in the process of winning or losing, we forget, that in this race the end is death. And after death, you cannot enjoy or regret the result. So one vital lesson I learnt is living is a powerful practice, and the power to live it right is within me. My life is my responsibility and to live it right is my mission. I am...