It's Social Media

It is a great matter of deal lately on time spent on social media. People are busy judging others based on their social media posts as well as their frequency of updates. It is also linked to the ineffective physical, social life and regarded as a lack of friends in reality and more in the virtual world. I came across this story of a dying man in hospital with only family members outside the ICU and no virtual friends present to extend their empathy. I have also known people who prefer to stay out of this virtual social life, claiming they feel it kills their productivity or sabotage their privacy. While few others are on sting operations, they keep observing others social life and pretending to be absent. Every individual is different, and so is their behaviour, it will not be righteous to judge anyone based on your opinions. You can have your way of handling and living your life, but it is none of others business of how one should deal with their life. You can offer your word of a...