Technology or Human - What drives you?

With the increasing trends of technology taking over human tasks, we see decreased human involvement in the work process. Artificial intelligence is also working as a command centre which takes care of research and surveys to analyse data and behaviour. Considering all the above, what are that demands for human now. What is the need for a human in a system with the fast replacement of humans in the modern working systems? We have seen a movie called I, Robot in 2004, which depicted how technology is capable of replacing humans at cliche task even. There is one area where technology has yet not evolved to replace humans, that is humanity. The emotional quotient of human yet to be replaced by technology and will take a while, however, to replace it either. There was era two decades back when the need of Personnel Managers to be Human Resource Managers considering the emotional concerns surfacing at work. Then a decade ago, these Human Resource Managers were identified to b...