Fundamental of Relationship - No. 1

How often then not, we reach a point where any relationship is vulnerable to break down. Everyone has their way to deal with that point, some over come and some go down. Is their no single fundamental to deal with any kind of relationship? The answer is YES we do have, but not one. Let me begin with 1st. The answer to that fundamental lies within ourself. How is it that we most of the time feel we are right and go to any extent defending ourself. Why do we put up so well with ourself? The only reason is we come to terms with ourself better than anyone. This is the fundamental you should apply to all relationships. 'Come to Terms'. Be it your boss or your spouse, when you accept them with the kind or type they're the journey is better. Most relationship issues happen when your expectations are not met. The divine says do not expect, but I say learn to accept. Today, most of the Gurus want us to be self aware. What is self awareness? It means different in different...